The threat detection and response suite built to help your security teams outsmart threats with speed, accuracy and efficiency.

IBM Security® QRadar® Suite is a modernized threat detection and response solution designed to unify the security analyst experience and accelerate their speed across the full incident lifecycle. The portfolio is embedded with enterprise-grade AI and automation to dramatically increase analyst productivity, helping resource-strained security teams work more effectively across core technologies. It offers integrated products for endpoint security (EDR, XDR, MDR), log management, SIEM and SOAR—all with a common user interface, shared insights and connected workflows.

Why QRadar Suite?

QRadar Suite empowers analysts to work more quickly and efficiently throughout their investigation and response processes, with shared insights and automated actions across products. By using unique, enterprise-grade AI capabilities, analysts can automatically contextualize and prioritize threats.

Key Features

  • Threat investigation: Threat Investigator works with Case Management to find cases that warrant an investigation and automatically starts investigating. The investigation fetches artifacts attached to the case and starts data mining. After Threat Investigator completes several rounds of data mining, it generates a timeline of the incident that consists of MITRE ATT&CK tactics and techniques plus a chain graph of the incident.
  • Delivered as SaaS on AWS: allows you to get up and run quickly, without the need for ongoing updates or management. It enables you to focus on patching important vulnerabilities and reviewing anomalous conditions.
  • Federated search: allows you to search data in the cloud or on premises in a single, unified way. You can break down data silos and unlock cross-functional insights with an intuitive search experience that requires no data movement, freeing up IT resources.
  • Data collection: Data collector makes it possible to get telemetry data set up and ingest with just a few clicks. It supports many protocols, including passive and active. Passive protocols listen for events on specific ports while active protocols use APIs or other communication methods to connect to external telemetry that poll for events.
  • Detection and response center: the center streamlines the adoption of new use cases by centralizing management of detection and response use cases, reducing complexity and improving efficiency. You can use rules management across cloud or on premises to view, create and adjust with the easy-to-use rule editor.
  • Unified user experience: Integrating across EDR and XDR, Log Insights, SIEM and SOAR products helps you make faster and more accurate decisions. Insights and actions are automatically provided across investigation and response workflows, including the ability to automatically enrich artifacts with threat intelligence, create cases and recommended responses.

Additional Resources

New IBM Security® QRadar® Security Suite to Speed Threat Detection and Response:
Read the Article
Secure endpoints from cyberattacks, detect anomalous behavior and remediate in near real time:
Read the Article
A fast and highly scalable cloud-native log management and security observability solution:
Read the Article
Run your business in the cloud and on premises with visibility and security analytics built to rapidly investigate and prioritize critical threats:
Read the Page
New cyberthreats demand new approaches:
Read the Case Study

Ready to accelerate your response with IBM Security® QRadar®?